2-6!亚洲球队再遭溃败 国外网友:伊朗都成“一愣”了

Omenjek11(克罗地亚球迷):英格兰这场运动战进球都超过他们2018年世界杯的所有进球了。(England scored more open play goals today than in the entire 2018 WC.)

ChibzyDaze(枪手球迷):这真是太棒了,同时又太**糟糕了。(That’s so good but so fucking bad at the same time.)

TheGoldenPineapples(枪手球迷):我说,我们18年可是进了半决赛的,所以没那么烂。(I mean, we did reach a semi-final that year, so it's not awful.)

OleoleCholoSimeone(马竞球迷):是啊能进半决赛谁还管运动战进几个球?(Yeah who gives a shite about open play goals when you reach the semi final?)


想象一下朝鲜、伊拉克、意大利、塞浦路斯这些球队所在小组的比赛质量。(Both Qatar and Iran have been completely outmatched by their rivals. Imagine what this will be like in 2026 when the WC expands to 48 teams and those teams too bad to beat Iran or Qatar qualify. Imagine the quality of group stage games with the likes North Korea, Iraq, Italy, Cyprus, etc.)

InconsistenMinis(热刺球迷):“朝鲜、伊拉克、意大利、塞浦路斯”。放肆!(the likes North Korea, Iraq, Italy, Cyprus, etc. Cheeky.)

penisgenitals(巴萨球迷):别忘了下届世界杯亚洲名额比南美还多。(Reminder that Asia has more slots for the next World Cup than South America.)

Bodoblock(未知主队球迷):我真的很担心这些亚洲球队,大败一场接着一场。希望韩国和日本能稍微拼一把。(I am really worried about AFC teams in this tournament. Terrible showings back-to-back. Let's hope South Korea and Japan can show a little more fight.)

prophetogfreed(加拿大球迷):阿根廷会先蹂躏沙特。(Argentina is gonna destroy Saudi Arabia first.)

trucksforducks(未知主队球迷):然后法国会暴揍澳大利亚。(And France gonna destroy Australia.)

whitstableboy(未知主队球迷):球迷们很奇怪,整届比赛都很奇怪。摄像机一度捕捉到了一队脸上涂着油彩的英格兰球迷,他们看起来心不在焉的,但当时我们都5:1领先了。(Crowd was weird. Whole tournament is weird. At one point, the camera panned to a bunch of "England fans" with painted faces, all of whom looked bored out of their minds. And we were 5:1 up at that point.)

xegget(英格兰球迷):缺啤酒。(Need beer.)

HippoRealEstate(德国球迷):伊朗?我看他们是一愣,一直发愣。(Iran? More like Istood.)

hurricx(伊朗球迷):去你*的,但还是给你个赞。(F you but take the upvote.)


